Sunday, 17 May 2009


It’s raining all day
But I don’t mind
I go outside

I could take the bus
But no, not me
‘Cause I like to suffer sometimes
Life is good enough
Sometimes I make it just a little more
rough than necessary

Strugglinh through a storm
Makes me dream of coming home
Makes me dream of your standing there
Wrapping me in a towel or three

Room Eleven, It's Raining (2007)

Two weeks left in the capital of Ireland. Dublin cries bitter and never ending tears, while I am getting ready to go back to where I come from and, as I found out, somehow belong. Dublin brought my a bittersweet experience, with good times and many boring times. I had fun during the visits of friends, the trips to Cork and Belfast and the awesome club nights. But I also survived the boring days and night during which I had nothing to do and others here stayed in and refused to make something of their life. Somehow I cannot be thrilled by many places and people; I need spontaneous and easy-going friends who are always in for something fun. These people cannot be found here, but are all around me in the Netherlands. Starting with my oldest friends, that I have since high school. Call them for a bbq or a game of Halo at Mr.V's and they will be there just a few moments later. Then the close friends I made in Nijmegen, having met them at university, at the sports centre or at one of my (former) accommodations, there are so diverse and trustable that I can call them anytime for a drink, a concert or a game of football. I had so much fun with them that I was a bit sad to go; there was no reason for me to leave because I met so many new people every week and my friendships were growing stronger and stronger each week. But I always want to try new things, and so I decided a few years ago that I would go abroad for a few months. Not to read books and study, but just to grow in life. To get maturer, to meet other cultures and to test myself: I wanted to know how strong I am.
And now I can say I am strong, and I am stronger than before. The first few weeks of rain, terrible housing and ignorant people were a struggle. The period after that was somehow not as good as I expected; I wanted to party all day like Erasmus should do. Then my month of travelling followed: Barcelona, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Paris. Never have I travelled so much in my life as in this year. Earlier on this year I already went to Madrid and London, and now getting on a plane is like grabbing the bus; I don't even care anymore, and it opens up Europe for me. I can go were I want and when I want. I found that I can easily be on myself, but I need others around me. I need to be able to share my experiences with others and go to awesome parties with the best people I know. And now, now it's time to say goodbye to Dublin. People who know me and talked with me know I am happy to go back, back to my big private room, my own bed, my sometimes annoying flatmates (but most of the times just great), my cats, my football mates (I miss the game soooo much), my Goffertpark, my AH XL, my Babylon, my city but most of all: my friends. It is time to go back and to remember the good times and learn from the bad and boring times.
This ends my blog for now. I will soon write more about all the things I did this last month and a half. I hope you all read my blog and let me know what you think about it.
See you in two weeks!

I remember running around in the greenest grass
Chasing each other laughing in a late summer light
With every step I had the feeling that life had just begun

Room Eleven, Greenest Grass (2007)

1 comment:

  1. Impressed, that's what I am!! Mèt een diepe buiging!

